Minipost: Fabulor's Faint-hearted Flushing Fans

Greetings, my adoring public, the Fabulous one here. Rejoice! I thought it might brighten your miserable existences to hear of some of the wonderful fans I've encountered lately. It's good to be Fabulor.

The one and only, good sir. (You spelled the name slightly wrong, but The Fabulor forgives you.)

Oh, CONSTANTLY, dear Fynralyl. But I don't mind. Who could blame them!

*wink wink*

And finally, a love letter...from an unexpected admirer.

You might say they have quite a crush on Fabulor...

2 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. gravatar

    What a reaction when joining a raid - Love it! :D

    February 25, 2013 at 2:59 AM

  2. gravatar

    Look at Fabulor - can you blame them? :D

    February 28, 2013 at 1:55 PM