Dual Wield Frost Death Knight weapon list (pre-raid)

One of the Cataclysm features I was really looking forward to was actual one-handed STRENGTH weapons to dual wield as my Frost-specced Death Knight! The only drawback? I had no idea where to find them! On numerous occasions I got all excited to see a one-handed sword, axe or mace as a quest reward, only to sigh with disappointment when I saw it ruined with +Intellect or +Agility. Worthless!
One positive note about these new one-hand Strength weapons is that there will be very little competition for them. Enhancement Shamans can't use swords, and benefit just as much from +Agility as +Strength (so hopefully they already have Agi weapons). Fury Warriors can technically opt to pass up Titan's Grip and dual wield regular one-handers instead, but I have yet to meet one who has actually chosen to do so. And even other Frost Death Knights may not want them, if they're specced for two-hand-weapon DPS rather than dual wielding.
For anyone looking to level their Frost/Dual Wielding DK through the new zones, or just get properly outfitted for raiding, here's a complete pre-raid list of every +Strength one-handed weapon Death Knights can use, as well as their attack speed, item level, secondary stats, etc.
The "Other" column refers to a tanking stat (+Dodge or +Parry). By reforging these tank stats into something useful, these weapons are pretty damn good. If you see these drop, don't be a jerk and take them from a Warrior or Paladin, but otherwise go ahead and grab them. They'll likely serve you well.
Dual Wield Frost Death Knight weapon list (pre-raid)
Name | ilvl | Hand | Type | DPS | Spd | Str | Crit | Hit | Hast | Mast | Exp | Other | Source |
Firestorm Hackblade | 272 | 1H | Sword | 215.1 | 2.60 | 65 | - | - | 65 | - | - | - | Quest (Mount Hyjal) |
Pocket-Sized Mace | 272 | 1H | Mace | 215.1 | 2.60 | 65 | 43 | 43 | - | - | - | - | Horde Quest (Shimmering Expanse) |
Prototype Chemical Applicator | 272 | 1H | Mace | 215.1 | 2.60 | 65 | 43 | 43 | - | - | - | - | Alliance Quest (Shimmering Expanse) |
Questioning Axe | 289 | 1H | Axe | 244.9 | 2.60 | 76 | - | - | - | - | 43 | 55 | Quest (Deepholm) |
Dirk's Command | 308 | 1H | Sword | 287.4 | 2.60 | 91 | - | 61 | 61 | - | - | - | Bind on Equip |
Tombbreaker Mace | 312 | 1H | Mace | 298.4 | 2.60 | 94 | - | - | - | - | - | - | Quest (Uldum) |
Axe of the Eclipse | 316 | 1H | Axe | 309.7 | 2.60 | 98 | - | 50 | - | 74 | - | - | Boss (Vortex Pinnacle) |
Elementium Fang | 316 | 1H | Sword | 309.7 | 2.60 | 98 | - | - | - | 65 | - | 65 | Boss (Stonecore) |
Loyal Blade | 316 | 1H | Sword | 309.7 | 2.60 | 98 | - | 65 | - | 65 | - | - | Bind on Equip |
Riftrent WarAxe | 318 | 1H | Axe | 315.5 | 2.60 | 100 | - | 67 | - | 67 | - | - | Quest (Deepholm) |
Name | ilvl | Hand | Type | DPS | Spd | Str | Crit | Hit | Hast | Mast | Exp | Other | Source |
Dragonscorn Mace | 333 | 1H | Mace | 362.8 | 2.60 | 115 | - | - | - | 67 | 82 | - | Alliance Quest (Twilight Highlands) |
Mace of the Gullet | 333 | 1H | Mace | 362.8 | 2.60 | 115 | - | - | - | 67 | 82 | - | Horde Quest (Twilight Highlands) |
Mace of Transformed Bone | 333 | 1H | Mace | 362.8 | 2.60 | 87 | - | 58 | - | - | - | 115 | Boss (Grim Batol) |
Resonant Kris | 333 | 1H | Sword | 362.8 | 2.60 | 115 | - | 76 | 76 | - | - | - | Boss (Lost City of the Tol'vir) |
Sun Strike | 333 | 1H | Sword | 362.8 | 2.60 | 115 | - | 76 | - | 76 | - | - | Boss (Halls of Origination) |
Axe of the Eclipse (H) | 346 | 1H | Axe | 409.6 | 2.60 | 129 | - | 66 | - | 98 | - | - | Boss (H.Vortex Pinnacle) |
Buzz Saw (H) | 346 | 1H | Sword | 409.6 | 2.60 | 129 | 86 | - | - | 86 | - | - | Boss (H.Deadmines) |
Cookie's Tenderizer (H) | 346 | 1H | Mace | 409.6 | 2.80 | 129 | - | 86 | - | 86 | - | - | Boss (H.Deadmines) |
Name | ilvl | Hand | Type | DPS | Spd | Str | Crit | Hit | Hast | Mast | Exp | Other | Source |
Dawnblaze Blade | 346 | OFF | Sword | 409.6 | 2.60 | 129 | 86 | - | - | - | 86 | - | Justice Points x950 |
Elementium Bonesplitter | 346 | 1H | Axe | 409.6 | 2.60 | 129 | - | - | 86 | - | 86 | - | Blacksmithing |
Elementium Fang (H) | 346 | 1H | Sword | 409.6 | 2.60 | 129 | - | - | - | 86 | - | 86 | Boss (H.Stonecore) |
Mace of Transformed Bone (H) | 346 | 1H | Mace | 409.6 | 2.60 | 98 | - | 66 | - | - | - | 129 | Boss (H.Grim Batol) |
Resonant Kris (H) | 346 | 1H | Sword | 409.6 | 2.60 | 129 | - | 86 | 86 | - | - | - | Boss (H.Lost City of the Tol'vir) |
Smite's Reaver (H) | 346 | 1H | Axe | 409.6 | 2.60 | 129 | - | 86 | - | - | 86 | - | Boss (H.Deadmines) |
Sun Strike (H) | 346 | 1H | Sword | 409.6 | 2.60 | 129 | - | 86 | - | 86 | - | - | Boss (H.Halls of Origination) |
Name | ilvl | Hand | Type | DPS | Spd | Str | Crit | Hit | Hast | Mast | Exp | Other | Source |
Gurubashi Punisher | 353 | 1H | Mace | 437.2 | 2.60 | 138 | - | 77 | 101 | - | - | - | Bind on Equip |
Bloodlord's Protector | 353 | 1H | Sword | 437.2 | 2.60 | 138 | - | - | - | - | - | 92 | Boss (Zul'Gurub) |
Reforged Heartless | 353 | 1H | Sword | 437.2 | 2.60 | 138 | 85 | - | 96 | - | - | - | Zul'Aman? |
Renataki's Soul Slicer | 353 | 1H | Sword | 437.2 | 2.60 | 138 | - | - | - | 88 | 95 | - | Boss (Zul'Gurub) |
Zulian Slasher | 353 | 1H | Sword | 437.2 | 2.60 | 138 | 85 | 96 | - | - | - | - | Boss (Zul'Gurub) |
Scimitar of the Sirocco | 359 | 1H | Sword | 462.3 | 2.60 | 146 | 111 | - | 74 | - | - | - | Archaeology Rare Find |
Soul Blade | 359 | 1H | Sword | 462.3 | 2.60 | 146 | - | 97 | - | 97 | - | - | Bind on Equip |
Vicious Gladiator's Hacker | 359 | 1H | Axe | 462.3 | 2.60 | 146 | 97 | - | - | - | - | - | Conquest Points x2450 |
Vicious Gladiator's Bonecracker | 359 | 1H | Mace | 462.3 | 2.60 | 146 | 97 | - | - | - | - | - | Conquest Points x2450 |
Vicious Gladiator's Slicer | 359 | 1H | Sword | 462.3 | 2.60 | 146 | 97 | - | - | - | - | - | Conquest Points x2450 |
Elementium-Edged Scalper | 365 | 1H | Axe | 488.9 | 2.60 | 155 | - | 103 | - | 103 | - | - | Blacksmithing |
Obsidium Cleaver | 378 | 1H | Axe | 551.8 | 2.60 | 175 | - | 105 | - | 123 | - | - | Bind on Equip |
Most of the weapons are quest or dungeon boss drops, though there's a few exceptions. Here's some miscellaneous thoughts on choices:
The Questioning Axe (reward from the quest Some Spraining To Do) is available a mere 11 quests into Deepholm. Here is a list of quests required to get to it.
I highly recommend going to Twilight Highlands and grabbing the Dragonscorn Mace / Mace of the Gullet as soon as you hit 84. It's wonderfully statted and is just as good as the weapons from the regular-difficulty dungeons, only you don't have to get lucky on boss drops. I'm not sure what it's like for Alliance, but for Horde the related quest isn't too far into Twilight Highlands - maybe about 18-22 quests or so (including breadcrumbs), none of which are very difficult.
The Dawnblaze Blade can be purchased for 950 Justice Points and is the only weapon on the list that is off-hand only. It requires level 85 to use, so you can't nab it with stockpiled JP and use it right at 80.
The Elementium Bonesplitter is nice, but will probably be very expensive for a long time. The raw mats needed to make it are 40 Elementium Bars (80 Elementium Ore), 16 Volatile Earths, 60 Volatile Fires, 60 Volatile Waters, 60 Volatile Airs, 6 Truegold (Any transmute fees plus 18 Pyrium Bars/36 Pyrite Ore OR 72 Elementium Bars & 72 Volatile Earths), and 3 Chaos Orbs. Absurdly pricey, and doesn't even have Mastery. Go run some heroics instead.
Cookie's Tenderizer (Heroic) is the only weapon with a speed other than 2.60 - it has a nice slower speed of 2.80. Speaking of Heroic Deadmines, that seems to be the place to go, as it has THREE nice weapons drops for us, all of which are itemized extremely well for dual wield DKs.
And finally, Scimitar of the Sirocco is a rare find from Archaeology, so I expect it's very hard to obtain. Still, it's an amazing sword, AND it's bind-to-account, so if you can get it, rock on!
Nice list, and great table format.
December 13, 2010 at 2:03 PM