Rades the Egg Hunter
Over the weekend Angelya held a WoW blogosphere Easter egg hunt, where bloggers hid little easter eggs on their site for people to find. This was a really cool way to discover new blogs and also learn how fiendish (in a good way) some bloggers were at hiding their precious pixel eggs. I swear, some of those eggs were INSANELY hidden.
Saturday evening rolled around and I wasn't going to take part in the egg hunt, but then I learned just how terrible being on Twitter is for peer pressure!
Rades: Egg hunt or catch up on anime?! Decisions, decisions... [11:35 PM Apr 3rd]
Anea: There's a timer on this one! Geddit? Eggs? Timers? [11:36 PM Apr 3rd]
Vidyala: I think she's right, you'd better get cracking. [11:37 PM Apr 3rd]
Rades: Gah that's right a time limit! Egg hunt it is! [11:39 PM Apr 3rd]
Anyways long story short, after much searching and agonizingly going over blogs searching for those elusive eggs - I won! I happened to check the last unfound egg blog, Alt in the Family literally minutes after the author posted his egg...which led to this amusing Twitter exchange.
Rades: LAST EGG LAST EGG [4:23 PM Apr 5th]
Angelya: Egg Hunters! Alt In The Family is confirmed. Extra kudos to whoever finds it :) Send in your complete lists! [4:24 PM Apr 5th]
Angelya: Omg, how do you know this before me? :P [4:24 PM Apr 5th]
Rades: Hahaha! /sends $10 to the Bronze Dragonflight [4:26 PM Apr 5th]
Poneria (she of the bright, awesomely colored words) was the other winner of this awesome event. The prize is some artwork done by a really cool artist, so maybe this blog will be getting an artistic facelift soon!
(Speaking of artwork, some of the eggs were artistically amazing! Vidyala whipped up a great draenei egg (added onto a comment of mine, no less!), GnomeTrollageddon tailored his April Fool's banner hilariously to show a mage hurling a fiery egg, Fulguralis had a scary demon-egg, and Sunfyre had a TERRIFYING (but awesome!) angry Orc egg! Very nice job, all.)
Of COURSE you won the egg hunt, you are a HUNTER, I just clued into this.
I call foul! :D
April 7, 2010 at 1:58 PM
I don't know what you are talking about.
/casts Track Hidden
April 7, 2010 at 2:51 PM