Easy way to get into Stormwind
I recently discovered a fast and relatively painless way for Horde players to get to Stormwind City, whether it be for the fishing achievement, to run Stockades, or to besmirch someone's honor.
Step 1: Fly to Valiance Keep in Borean Tundra

Step 2: Land on the ship that goes back to Stormwind

You should probably switch to your ground mount in preparation for the next step...
Step 3: Arrive in Stormwind, head to Stockades, Varian, whatever!

This backdoor method has two big advantages:
Speed - it's much faster than going to Orgrimmar/Undercity, taking the Zeppelin to Stranglethorn, and then riding north through Duskwood/Westfall/Elwynn Forest.
Avoidance - by entering through the harbor, you bypass the countless Alliance players
PS: Keredria, Euripedes, I know you're both Alliance-Drenden so no giving away my sneak route! ;)
Brilliant - Thank you! This saved me so much time and effort. I didn't die once..
Thanks again :)
April 22, 2010 at 1:30 PM
Glad it was useful! If only all the Alliance cities were as easy to sneak into... ;)
April 22, 2010 at 3:17 PM