Fading Light: Why the Naaru should be evil, part 1/4

Just who ARE the Naaru?
A while back, I wrote about how Velen and the draenei's flight for survival had inadvertently led to the destruction of many innocent planets at the hands of their pursuers, the vengeful Burning Legion. (This series expands upon ideas presented in that post, so if you haven't read it, you might have to for this to make sense.)Now, my point in that post was to sort of poke fun at Velen and remind everyone that yeah, he's a great guy and all, but don't forget how many species/planets died so that he, the other draenei, and their adoptive guardians, the Naaru, could survive. I mean, how many times did Velen's crew narrowly escape the fel clutches of their foes, abandoning their latest home just before the Legion arrived and butchered/destroyed/enslaved everything left behind?
Come to think of it, the draenei are pretty damn lucky. First of all, that the Naaru appeared to Velen back on Argus and warned him - just in time! - not to accept Sargeras' blessing like his brothers. And secondly, that on every planet the draenei settled on, they managed to detect the approaching Legion armies in time to pack up and blast off before they arrived.

Good thing there were all those innocent, unsuspecting natives to distract the Legion and prevent them from immediate pursuit! Nothing like slaking one's uncontrollable bloodlust and fury by savaging an entire planet of hapless mortals and plundering it of its resources and energies. Of course, the draenei would get away in the meantime, but what kind of self-respecting demon could pass up a fresh, fertile planet just begging for conquest? To the Legion, whose very existence revolves around destruction and chaos, these new worlds must have seemed like a dream come true.
...and this pattern happened over and over again? Hold on a minute here. Was the Legion actually disappointed each time they missed the draenei? After all, each time it happened they were left with a ripe new world, thousands of new lives to extinguish, and untold resources with which to bolster/improve their forces.
And what about the draenei? Despite being outnumbered refugees fleeing from a vastly more powerful foe, they somehow not only survive, but escape without conflict every single time?
Seems kinda fishy, if you ask me.
Remember also that the draenei are refugees, and had to leave behind most (if not all) of their belongings when they fled Argus. And all of those discarded artifacts, those abandoned magics...they now belong to the eredar. (Who, remember, were already fully familiar and knowledgeable in their usage. They didn't just forget when they became demons.)
Talk about being outgunned. It's like Velen and co. grabbed a single rifle and ammo clip on the way out the door, while their opponents are armed with fifty rifles, thousands of bullets, some cannons, a few dozen grenades, and a tank.
And yet somehow, the draenei continue to elude their pursuers.
Now, they do have one advantage, and one advantage only over the Burning Legion - the Naaru. Bereft of supplies, manpower and superior firepower, it has to be the Naaru that kept the draenei safely one step ahead of their pursuers, all those years. With such guidance, and the whole saving-them-from-Sargeras bit, it's no wonder the draenei place such unshakable faith in their crystalline allies.
But how much do we actually know about the Naaru?
The helpful, the saviors...the unknown
Everyone knows the Naaru appeared to Velen in a vision, warning him of the sinister truth behind Sargeras' supposed blessing. But...a vision? Really? That was all it took - a single vision! - for Velen to betray everything he had ever known, steal some of his peoples' most priceless artifacts, and abandon his less-enlightened brethren to a fate worse than death?The strange, glowing field about the ata'mal crystal grew, stretched upward, assumed a shape. Velen blinked, almost blinded by the radiance but not wanting to look away. You are not alone, Velen of the eredar, the voice whispered to him. It was soothing, sweet, like the sound of flowing water and the rush of a summer wind. The radiance faded slightly, and hovering before Velen was a being unlike any he had ever seen. It seemed to be comprised of living light. Its center was a soft golden hue, the outer radius a glowing, soothing violet. Strange metallic-looking glyphs swirled around the center, calming and hypnotic, in a spiral dance of color and light. It continued to speak inside his mind, a sound that seemed to Velen to be light itself given voice. We, too, have sensed the impending horrors about to befall this and other worlds. We strive to keep the balance, and what Sargeras is planning will rip apart everything. Utter chaos and ruination will descend, and the things that are good and true and pure and holy will be lost beyond recovery. Who... what ... Velen could not even form the question in his mind, so swept away was he by this being's glory. We are the Naaru, the radiant entity said. You may call me ... K'ure. Velen's lips curved around the words, and as he whispered them aloud, "Naaru...K'ure...," he tasted the sweetness of them, as if speaking the names granted him some of their very essence. This is where it all begins, K'ure continued. We cannot stop it, for your friends have free will. But you have reached out with an anguished heart, to save what you can. And therefore, we will do what we can. We will save those of you whose hearts reject the horror of what Sargeras offers. What do I do? Again tears filled Velen's eyes, tears of relief and joy this time. Gather those who will listen to your wisdom. Go to the highest mountain in the land on the longest day of the year. Take the ata'mal crystal with you. Long, long ago, did we give it to you; it is how we will find you again. We will come and bear you away. -Rise of the Horde |
That's all well and good, and Velen's trust in this mysterious otherworldly creature paid off when the Naaru showed up and spirited them away to safety. But to take such a major gamble, to so completely blindly trust a spiritual, religious vision...well, it's a pretty risky move.
Just ask Ner'zhul.
Like Velen, he too received a prophetic vision warning of impending doom and danger. And like Velen, visions were not an unusual thing for orc shamans to experience, so Ner'zhul had no reason to ever doubt the truth or circumstances of such a warning. Why? Because as a shaman, he had faith...faith that one of his beloved, trusted ancestors would never deceive him.
He prepared a potion, chanting over it softly, then drinking it slowly. It would not actually cause a vision; nothing would unless the ancestors willed it, and sometimes visions came upon him when he least expected them. But over many long years the shaman had learned that some herbs opened the mind while one slept, so that if one was indeed granted the gift of a vision, one would remember it more clearly the following morning. Ner’zhul closed his eyes, and then opened them again almost immediately, although he knew he was fast asleep. They were standing on a mountaintop, he and his beloved Rulkan. At first he thought they were observing the sunset together, then realized that the sun was rising, not descending into slumber for the night. The sky was glorious, but in a way that roused and moved him rather than calmed and comforted him. The colors were scarlet and purple and orange, almost violent, and Ner’zhul's heart lifted. Rulkan turned to him, smiling, and for the first time since she had exhaled her final breath as a living being, she spoke to him. "Ner’zhul, my mate, this is a new beginning." He gasped, trembling, overcome with love for her, flooded with a simmering excitement roused by the vibrant colors of the sunrise. A new beginning? "You have led our people well," she said. "But the time has come to deepen the old ways, take them further, for the good of all. "Something rose inside his mind to nudge at his conscious thought. Rulkan had not been a shaman. She had not been a chieftain. She had only been her wonderful self, which had been more than enough for Ner’zhul, but she had held no position in life that would make it likely that she would speak so authoritatively. Annoyed at his lack of faith, Ner’zhul pushed the voice down. He was not a spirit. He was only flesh and blood and though he understood the spirit ways more than most, he also knew that there was much he would never understand until he stood with them. Why wouldn't Rulkan speak for the ancestors? "I am listening," he said. She smiled. "I knew you would," she said. "There are dark and dangerous times ahead for the orcs. Hitherto, we have only come together at the Kosh'harg festivals. Such isolation must end if we are to survive as a race. Rulkan looked into the sunrise, her face thoughtful and shadowed. Ner’zhul ached to hold her, to take her burdens as his own as he always had in life. But now, he knew he could not touch her, nor force her to speak. So he sat silently, drinking in her beauty, ears straining for her voice. "There is upon this world a blight," Rulkan said quietly. "It must be eliminated." "Say it, and it will be done," Ner’zhul swore fervently. "I will always honor the advice of the ancestors. She turned to him then, her eyes searching his as the light grew brighter. "When it is eliminated, our people will stand proud and tall...even more than they are now. Power and strength will be ours. This world will be ours. And you...you, Ner’zhul, will lead them." Something in the way she said the words made Ner’zhul's heart leap. He was already powerful. He was honored, perhaps even revered, by his own clan, the Shadowmoon Clan. He was the leader of all the orcs,in fact if not in name. But now desire stirred in his heart for more. And fear stirred in him too, dark and unpleasant, but something that must be faced. "What is this threat that must be eliminated before the orcs can claim what is rightfully theirs?" She told him. -Rise of the Horde |
Ner'zhul paid a heavy price for his faith, leading his people into ruin, nearly driving the orcs to extinction, and eventually causing the utter destruction of their world. Oh, and his soul was captured and destroyed by Kil'jaeden, then transformed into an entity of pure malice.
Velen, on the other hand? His wisdom and heroic leadership have allowed the draenei to survive, against all odds, and their faith in the Naaru and the Light have resulted in a culture that is wonderfully at peace and in harmony with the world around them.
Then again, nothing else the draenei have come in contact with have been as fortunate, including the orcs. Wherever the draenei settle, no matter which indigenous cultures they befriend, all end up sharing the same, inevitable fate - destroyed and consumed by the Legion. When the Legion is done pillaging, they just set sail and track down the draenei on whatever new world they've found, and the cycle repeats again, as it has for 25,000 years.
And all because of K'ure's "benevolent" vision.
Maybe Ner'zhul and Velen's fates aren't so different, after all.

Come to think of it, everything about K'ure's sudden appearance to Velen is suspect. First of all, the Naaru only make themselves known to Velen when? When Sargeras' offer is already deeply rooted into the minds of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, and it's too late for Velen to warn or caution them. I mean, what, K'ure couldn't warn them beforehand, and maybe prevent this entire mess from happening?
And let's also not forget that when K'ure does finally decide to warn Velen, Argus' fate is sealed. It's too late for Velen to do anything but what his mysterious savior suggests: flee. What a dramatic last-second save by the Naaru! Too bad they didn't speak up, oh, ANY TIME EARLIER, so everyone else could have been saved.
I mean, don't get me wrong. If I'm drowning in a pit and you pull me out just before my head goes under, I'm going to love you and be thankful to you for the rest of my life. But if it turns out you were lurking nearby, unseen, waiting for me to be on the brink of death so you could swoop in and dramatically "save" me at the last minute...well, I'd still be thankful, I guess, but I'd also think you were a bit of a dick. I mean, seriously - what the hell?
Of course, maybe these aren't mere coincidences, but intentional decisions. Why didn't the Naaru warn Velen, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde earlier? Because they didn't WANT the Eredar race to resist Sargeras' temptations. Why didn't they make themselves known to Velen earlier, so that Velen could have done something besides run away? Because they WANTED him to run, and instill within him an unshakable trust and gratitude towards them, for the miraculous, timely rescue.
After all, is there a better way to foster trust in a stranger than saving their life the very first time you meet, and then bonded over your mutual foe? (Hi, Neptulon.)
It certainly worked on Velen - despite not knowing ANYTHING about the Naaru before that fateful vision, has he ever questioned their motives, loyalty or intentions? Even once?
Of course not. Why would he?
They are his people's saviors.
Now, don't be fooled by the fact that the Naaru are wielders and advocates of the Light, and taught the draenei how to harness its power. Even though the Light is diametrically opposed to the fel magic of the Legion, simply using the Light doesn't necessarily mean the user is good and holy. As I wrote before, there is substantial evidence to support the idea that the Light is not a sentient, "good" energy, but simply a type of power, like the elements. Need a recent example? How about Archbishop Benedictus? This dude is completely corrupt and in Deathwing's (and by extension, the Old Gods') sway, and yet he's cheerfully murdering us with Light-based spells and abilities.
If anything, teaching the draenei how to channel the Light is yet another method of winning their trust, and what an effective one it is! After all, only true enemies of the Legion would use - and teach the draenei how to use - the holy power of the Light, right? This stalwart trust and reliance on the Light has shaped Velen's ragtag band of refugees into the highly religious culture that exists today. In their eyes, the Light (and the Naaru, as the Light's champions) could never be anything but the personification of goodness. The idea of anything else would be blasphemous and sacrilegious to even consider.
As for the vision itself? It was perfectly designed to play to Velen's inner doubts and worries, to clash with his sanctified beliefs of purity and peace. Every aspect of what he saw horrified him, and made him desperate to escape this awful fate.
Of course, later on in the same book we see the Legion do exactly the same thing to the orcs! Dream vision in a trusted, comfortable environment? Check. Seeming to come from a reliable source? Yep. And warning that to ignore the vision would be tantamount to suicide for their entire species? You bet.
Why would the Naaru go to such lengths, to fool and trick Velen? Um, I believe I mentioned the countless worlds and lives that the Draenei have led them to? But seriously - by "helping" Velen escape, the Naaru essentially supplied the Legion with an endless, self-renewing supply of fresh new worlds to conquer. All the Naaru have to do is tell their demonic buddies where to head next, while at the same time "warning" Velen that, omg DEMON ALERT, DEMON ALERT, TIME TO FLEE! Phew! Just in time...again. How lucky!
It's a classic hunter's trick, often seen in stories or movies. How do you find the rebels' hidden base, or the traitor's secret stash of illicit supplies? Simple. You let them show you. Capture one, and then "accidentally" let them escape. Then, it's just a matter of following their panicked flight, which will inevitably lead you right to the goods. Saves you a lot of searching around, legwork and effort, AND you get the delightful satisfaction of fooling your enemy into helping you.
Let's summarize. The Naaru appearing to Velen "just in time", but not soon enough to save the rest of his people. The draenei, through the Naaru, just barely eluding the more powerful Burning Legion, over and over again. The helpless planets left in their wake, devoured and decimated by the Legion. And finally, that which convinced Velen to trust the Naaru - a spiritual vision, warning of impending destruction - used by the Legion in exactly the same fashion to trick the orcs into initiating their terrible downfall.
It's all far, far too convenient. Once they get tired of making their draenei puppets dance, the Naaru are going to betray us all. Just you watch.
It's only a matter of time.
Hmm... weird, i have no idea why it shows me as "unknown" instead of as Achloryn on that long-ass comment.
August 2, 2012 at 6:53 AM
The Naaru turning on us would make for an awesome freaking story. Now I kind of hope that does happen. lol.
August 2, 2012 at 6:58 AM
Thorm of Jaedenar
Wait, wait; didn't it flat out say that Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden had already accepted Sargeras' offer by the time the Naaru contacted Velen?
August 2, 2012 at 7:11 AM
HOLY CRAP MY ENTIRE COMMENT WAS DELETED /cry. Sigh, ok, here we go again.
I'd like to point out a big difference between Velen's vision and Ner'zhul's vision.
Kure said to Velen:
"We cannot stop it, for your friends have free will. But you have reached out with an anguished heart, to save what you can. And therefore, we will do what we can. We will save those of you whose hearts reject the horror of what Sargeras offers."
To me this says a *lot*. First off, it tells me that Velen, and many others, were already skeptical of Sargeras' gift. Archimonde, Kil'jaden, and the majority of the Eredar, however, were not. They were accepting his offer with open arms. The Naaru may be powerful beings, but they cannot break free will, which is a major point there.
If you're drowning, I can throw you a line, but if you flat out refuse to grab it, I can't weave it around you and drag your ass out of the proverbial lake.
Ner'zhul, on the other hand, had no misgivings about the future of the Orcs. Hell, it even says that he thought himself the ruler of *all* orcs, even if not named as such. "Rulkan" coerced him into doing what she wanted with the promise of even greater power and strength... and the promise that Ner'zhul would stand head and shoulders above the rest. What kind of self-respecting orc could resist such a siren's song from ANY vision, let alone one taking the form of his beloved mate?
On another topic, it's worth noting that the Draenei have world-hopped for THOUSANDS of years. We know this to be fact. We also know that the Draenei are not the same in physical appearance as their Eredar predecessors (take a look at Velen, and compare him to any male Draenei you see around the game). We also know to be fact that there are Draenei who are not opposed to... intermingling with the other species of the worlds they've come to. (Lantressor of the Blade springs to mind, as half-orc, half-draenei) Now, you make a point that the Draenei heartlessly leave all of these indigenous peoples to the fate of the Legion, but isn't it possible... hell, isn't it almost CERTAIN that in 25,000 years, many of the original people who fled Argus simply interspersed with local tribes along the way? If that were the case, don't you think some families may have escaped with the Draenei when the Legion came knocking, and simply died out because they don't have the same genetic longevity their blue friends have? Isn't it significantly possible that the Draenei we play around Azeroth are simply a result of 25,000 years of "cross-pollenation"?
August 2, 2012 at 7:17 AM
Of course, the Devs trump all the speculation, because the Devs described the Naaru as 'angels' in the WoW world. (Courtesy of TBC Collector's Edition DVD.)
August 2, 2012 at 8:00 AM
I believes, if'n ya looks close at Velen's forhead, ya can see the word "sucker" tatooed on it.
August 2, 2012 at 8:59 AM
Cerylia Dawnwing
Hehe, I like the post. :D It's very interesting and does really make you think sometimes. One person's "good" is sometimes another person's misfortune.
While I don't think the naaru are evil, I also have a completely different philosophy about them that I use in my own stories/RP. It's hard to really stomach them any other way, for me. xD I don't have any problems with faith in something good, but to disregard the welfare of others in the process is something that can't be overlooked either. Velen did the right thing by saving his people, but the draenei ought to be humbled by the thought that their fleeing has caused others to suffer too.
Yet, when I run into draenei NPCs who act so reviled and can't forget that the orcs did this and the elves did that to them in the past... well, it bothers me that such a "good" race can nurse such grudges. You don't have to forget the past, but if you hold it against others for that long, you really haven't forgiven it either. And isn't forgiveness part of the naaru's ways, supposedly?
Kind of an interesting "conspiracy-esque" post and food for thought. :D
August 2, 2012 at 9:44 AM
@Thorm - They had mentally committed to the idea, but they had yet to receive any power or anything yet. At the beginning of Rise of the Horde, Velen has an open and sincere conversation with KJ and Archimonde where they are genuinely trying to convince Velen to also go along with Sargeras' offer.
@Achloryn - That's a good point about Rulkan - "she" did indeed promise Ner'zhul that power and glory would come to the orcs if he listened to her warning. It's a slightly different scenario than what Sargeras offered the draenei, mind you - for the draenei, it truly was an offer, intended to sway them with dreams of benefit. They could turn it down, if they wanted. (Well, or so they would have believed.)
But the vision by "Rulkan" wasn't really an offer so much as it was a prediction - eliminate this "blight" AND the orcs will thrive. There was nothing to turn down - it was more of a "this is how things are going to go" message. It does seem like Ner'zhul was partially motivated by the dreams of grandeur, but I think he was at least equally as concerned/worried about the supposed threat to his race.
A good point, though!
@Redbeard - Sure, they're angels now. Just like Archbishop Benedictus was, officially, a wonderful, good person, up until Cata. Things can change!
@Cerylia - It really was an impossible decision Velen was faced with - extinction of his own people, or the other planets. I don't really blame him for choosing to survive...what irks me is how he apparently - from what I can tell - is not really haunted or bothered by condemning those other innocent worlds to death.
And yes...I'd love to see the turnaround in the "holier than thou" attitude that would occur if the draenei found out that, oops, we've been helping the Legion all these years. More about this idea in Part 3!
August 2, 2012 at 6:03 PM
Cool theory but it kinda falls apart when you realise that the Legion has already conquered worlds beyond counting.That whole plot with using the Naaru would really be completely unnecessary.
You wrote "I don't really blame him for choosing to survive...what irks me is how he apparently - from what I can tell - is not really haunted or bothered by condemning those other innocent worlds to death."
Now i don't know how Velen feels but why should he feel guilty?What was he supposed to do?Its the Legion's actions that brought the downfall of those planets.
Lets use an example.Lets say you re walking down the street and suddenly a guy with a knife starts running towards you with a killer grin in his face.You start to run and you enter the first door you see trying to hide there.
Turns out you just entered a factory and one of the employees accidentally got in the way of the killer and got knifed.
Is it your fault?Your responsibility?No.
Do you feel bad about it?Sure you do but what the heck should you have done?Lie down and die?
Really interested in hearing your thoughts.
By the way i've been reading your blog for a while now and i find it immensely interesting whenever you're giving us some articles regarding lore,keep up the good work :)
August 3, 2012 at 1:25 PM
I don't really blame him for choosing to survive...what irks me is how he apparently - from what I can tell - is not really haunted or bothered by condemning those other innocent worlds to death.
Read Velen's leader story ("Prophet's Lesson"). He's pretty flippin' bothered.
August 16, 2012 at 11:23 PM
@Angelo - I get what you're saying with the knife example. But what if this happened repeatedly, every single week? And every single week, your flight got another innocent person killed? It's still not your FAULT, but how many times can you do this before you start to just be overcome with the horrible cycle you are caught up in, faultless or not?
@Anonymous - I don't know, his casual, detached manner when he tells Anduin about one of the destroyed worlds just seems to passive and aloof. It's not like he's cringing, crying about it, or really even emotionally involved at all. He could be showing Anduin his new teapot, that's how passionate he is about that destroyed world.
To be fair? He's probably gotten pretty used to it, and has long come to terms with bottling it up inside. I'll give him that. But it still comes across to me as really, really unconcerned.
August 17, 2012 at 12:11 AM
"Why would the Naaru go to such lengths, to fool and trick Velen? Um, I believe I mentioned the countless worlds and lives that the Draenei have led them to? But seriously - by "helping" Velen escape, the Naaru essentially supplied the Legion with an endless, self-renewing supply of fresh new worlds to conquer. All the Naaru have to do is tell their demonic buddies where to head next, while at the same time "warning" Velen that, omg DEMON ALERT, DEMON ALERT, TIME TO FLEE! Phew! Just in time...again. How lucky!
It's a classic hunter's trick, often seen in stories or movies. How do you find the rebels' hidden base, or the traitor's secret stash of illicit supplies? Simple. You let them show you. Capture one, and then "accidentally" let them escape. Then, it's just a matter of following their panicked flight, which will inevitably lead you right to the goods. Saves you a lot of searching around, legwork and effort, AND you get the delightful satisfaction of fooling your enemy into helping you."
In order to achieve this, the dranei, but not the eredar and not the legion need to know, where the next planet is. And there is no sign, that the dranei are any better in finding planets, than the legion or the naarus. I have read all three published article of this series and there is still no point, where someone profits from fooling the draneis. They don't use some captured fool, they use some random fool, picked from the street without any desirable knowledge.
Without someone profiting, it is a nice theory and it would give the dranei some sort of background or story, but it would feel artificial.
So, why should the naaru help the draneis, if there is nothing to win? If the naarus are evil, they are really worse at it. They rescue people, let them live and let them do a task, which they could do better. The dranei have stricter boundaries while choosing the next world, where they land than the legion. It should be habitable and fitting for the dranei. The legion can conquer any world which was touched by the titans or has some sort of tidiness.
August 22, 2012 at 5:50 AM
Sorry for necro-ing an old post, but I've been away from Azeroth for a while now.
This is an interesting idea, however, I have a slightly different idea now that I've read thru yours. What if istead of evil, the Naaru are just really cold-blooded. Maybe the Naaru haven't been saving the Draenei this whole time. Maybe the Draenei have been used as bait?
Imagine your the Naaru and you want to nip this Burning Legion thing in the bud. You don't have the resources right now and Sargeras seems to be getting his ducks in a row very quickly. What to do? How about taking the new generals of this army and giving them something to focus on that isn't destroying all creation?
Maybe the Naaru didn't save Velen and his followers out of pure altuism. Perhaps the Naaru have been using them as a distraction. Getting Archimonde and Kil'jaeden to pursue their old friend and not concentrate on spreading their darkness.
The Naaru settle the Draenei on a new world. The Legion spends time and resources chasing them. When there is no more holding out, the Naaru step in move the goal. Sure a few worlds are sacrificed here and there, but nothing like what would happen if the Legion wasn't wasting effort on a small group of non-believers.
Could even be that the Naaru have been preparing another world (or even worlds) to fight the Legion. All the while using the magical moving Draenei to keep the Legion's best minds on something other. Dropping the Draenei off on Azeroth might not be a coincidence either. The Church of the Light, Elune, the Tauren's Sun and Moon worship. All of these could be the work of the Naaru turning Azeroth into one of the big guns of their arsenal. The conversion of the Blood Elves could be the last big move. And now they've baited the hook with the Draenei. Daring the Legion to commit massive resources to take a world prepared for the fight.
This would make the Naaru less evil, but it would still have big consequences for the Draenei. All this time they've thought of themselves as their god's chosen people. Now they find out they are their god's chosen worm. That could really cut into their superiority complex. They could be more excepting of others. And the big philosophical fallout of wondering if the Naaru had the right to play with so many lives and worlds. Do the ends justify the means or are the Naaru (and Draenei society) comprimised by these actions?
September 21, 2012 at 10:27 AM