It's Annual Skoll Day!

Out of all the spirit beasts, I think Skoll is my favorite. Awesome color/skin, and a fantastic lightning animation? So cool.

What's unusual is, the first time I tamed Skoll, it was on June 20, 2010.

And it just so happens that exactly one year later, June 20, 2011, I found him again.

(I already had him, and OF COURSE I couldn't kill him, so I told a guildmate, who came and got him.)

Will it happen a third year in a row? I intend to find out!

2 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. gravatar

    Oh I thought you were going to say you did kill him, nice to see someone else was on to tame :P

    I can't believe you remember the day you tamed or did you look it up somewhere?

    June 20, 2012 at 7:40 PM

  2. gravatar

    That is cool that you have a Skoll viewing day! The title of this post was so interesting I had to come see what it was about :)

    June 21, 2012 at 2:53 AM