Want some Blizzcon business cards?

As everyone knows, Blizzcon 2011 is almost upon us! I won't be attending (sad) but it sounds like a great time to meet fellow WoW players, especially people you've only known online in-game, through blogs, Twitter, etc.
Well, I was looking at some business cards Rhidach and Antigen had made for Blizzcon, and thought it would be a fun idea if other Blizzcon attendees had their own business cards to give to their new real-life acquaintances. AND it just so happens that this is exactly the type of stuff I do for my job.
So, if you're attending Blizzcon and want a personalized "business" card to hand out to people, let me know! No charge, as they don't take me very long and honestly, the idea of people having fun little cards and sharing them around makes me super happy.
The only things I'd need to know are:
- What identity information you want on the card. Rhidach and Anti write for WoW Insider, so theirs are actually for business purposes, with their real names. But if you just want your character name or Twitter handle, that's fine! Real name, character name, email address, Twitter handle, blog URL, etc. - whatever you want on there, let me know!
- If you have a blog or I know you on Twitter, I can come up with something (hopefully) fun for you on my own. But if I don't really know you or you have no blog I can pull pictures from, I'll probably need some help. I'm not psychic!
That's it! Email me at orcisharmyknife at gmail dot com and I'll see what I can do. :)

So... what do you do for the chronic altoholic? Couldn't resist, you know.
October 10, 2011 at 2:54 AM
I might just take you up on your offer.
October 10, 2011 at 6:39 AM
That would be a lot of fun to have and hand out to other players! What would I even put? "This priest reforges AWAY from spirit." Oh, not witty in the slightest. :(
October 11, 2011 at 6:59 PM
I don't know if you hear this enough, but I love you, dude - from a blog writer to blog writer perspective, of course (;
Just the fact that you'd offer this kind of thing for free makes me happy, even though I've no need to take advantage of the offer, and that's besides the actual amazing quality of the stuff you do here.
So if you don't hear it enough, you're great!
October 12, 2011 at 4:17 PM