Transmogrification: Dual wielding staves

One of the coolest bonuses of Transmogrification is "faking" dual-wielding on classes that cannot dual-wield, by using a main-hand and off-hand that look identical. The trick is finding such elusive options.
Here is one example for mace-using casters that looks pretty cool and is quite easy to obtain.
Main-hand mace
Giant Club of whatever - random low-level green drop, check the AH
Chopped Off Ancient Limb - Horde quest reward, Azshara
Talon Branch - Alliance quest reward, Felwood
Off-hand frill
Apple-Bent Bough - Purchased for 950 Justice Points
(Note: I wouldn't be surprised if the ilvl 346 items disappear when 4.3 comes out? So if you want to use this item maybe snag it now.)

Mittenz The Stinging Viper and Lord Sakrasis' Scepter are still better :P~ Can't wait til it finally drops ><
October 18, 2011 at 3:01 PM
Bloodwoven Rod of the Whatever and any mainhand caster sword. You can dual-wield a staff and a sword, like Gandalf. I don't need to point out how awesome that is.
October 19, 2011 at 2:29 AM