Minipost: How to get the blue canister backpack

Everyone likes their character to look cool. Sometimes we're limited by our tier set designs (birdbath shoulders for Priests, anyone?) but we do what we can. There are a lot of fun items that allow us to change our appearance, like the Orb of the Sindorei, the Iron Boot Flask or the ever-popular Savory Deviate Delight.
However, the major drawback to all of these cosmetic items is permanence - they're all temporary transformations that either wear off in a short time or upon death. So you either have to keep using it (when the long cooldown timer is up, that is) or in the case of consumable items, carry a large quantity if you want to stay transformed.
Another problem with some appearance-altering items is that they require you to equip the item. This might be fine when you're sitting around in town, but I don't think your raid leader would be too pleased if you showed up with one of your valuable trinket slots wasted just so you can look like a Dwarf!
Sometimes quests will come with special items that allow you to alter your appearance permanently and without equipping something worthless. Unfortunately, most of these only function within a designated area and "deactivate" upon hearthing, mounting, going back to town, etc. The plague canister backpack from Hillsbrad is one such item, which is too bad, because it's AWESOME and I would love to carry it around.

Unfortunately, this awesome cosmetic addition only works in Hillsbrad. T_T
However, it has a cousin that is just as cool and is without such limitations = the I-Scream Cryocannon, pictured at top. As long as you have this quest item in your inventory (and are still on the quest), your character will visibly wear it! Don't want it for a while? Simply put the Cryocannon in your bank and it won't appear on your character until you put it back in your inventory.
Getting this item is quite easy, too. Just a handful of quests, none of which are very time-consuming or challenging. I just did this as my non-heirloomed level 38 Draenei Hunter, and didn't have any problems at all. In fact, it barely took any longer than when I did it on my 85 Shadow Priest.
(Note: Loremasters concerned about not handing in this quest? See the very last paragraph at the bottom for more information.)
For Horde players

- Travel to Westreach Summit, on the west end of Thousand Needles.
- Do the quest The Grimtotem are Coming. Hand it in and accept the followup Two If By Boat to travel to Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge. Talk to Pozzik and finish the quest.
- Do Pozzik's short courier quest, Do Me a Favor?, and then accept the followup Down in the Deeps. Don't go do it yet.
- Find a Goblin named Zamek and accept the quest Bar Fight! Head inside, buy a Bottle of Grog, use it to start the bar fight, then head back out to Zamek and turn the quest in.
- You should see a quest marker on your map from "Submerged Outhouse." Dive into the water, find the outhouse and accept the quest In The Outhouse.
- Do "Down in the Deeps" and "In The Outhouse" at the same time. Oddly, even after getting the crowbar for the outhouse, it won't show up as a ? (completed) until you actually use the crowbar from your inventory. Hand in both quests.
- Hop on a boat and put out fires for Pirate Accuracy Increasing. Then blow up pirates for the followup, Circle the Wagons... er, Boats. Hand in the quests, ignore the followup as it isn't necessary for the backpack.
- Head outside and find a Goblin named Griznak (he's next to Zamek). Accept the quest Special Delivery for Brivelthwerp, and you're done! Enjoy your new backpack!

For Alliance players

- Travel to New Thalanaar, on the east end of Feralas.
- Do the quest The Grimtotem are Coming. Hand it in and accept the followup Two If By Boat to travel to Fizzle & Pozzik's Speedbarge. Talk to Fizzle and finish the quest.
- Do Fizzle's short courier quest, Do Me a Favor?, and then accept the followup Down in the Deeps. Don't go do it yet.
- Find a Gnome named Rizzle Brassbolts and accept the quest Bar Fight! Head inside, buy a Bottle of Grog, use it to start the bar fight, then head back out to Rizzle and turn the quest in.
- You should see a quest marker on your map from "Submerged Outhouse." Dive into the water, find the outhouse and accept the quest In The Outhouse.
- Do "Down in the Deeps" and "In The Outhouse" at the same time. Oddly, even after getting the crowbar for the outhouse, it won't show up as a ? (completed) until you actually use the crowbar from your inventory. Hand in both quests.
- Hop on a boat and put out fires for Pirate Accuracy Increasing. Then blow up pirates for the followup, Circle the Wagons... er, Boats. Hand in the quests, ignore the followup as it isn't necessary for the backpack.
- Head outside and find a Gnome named Mazzer Stripscrew (he's next to Rizzle). Accept the quest Special Delivery for Brivelthwerp, and you're done! Enjoy your new backpack!

I love that your "mini posts" are longer than most other bloggers normal posts ^^ Must check this quest out!
June 13, 2011 at 9:02 AM
When, exactly, were you last on Azala, anyway?
June 13, 2011 at 2:08 PM
@Zinn - I know, the whole "minipost" idea may be sort of thwarting me. Hmm, haha.
@Red - YESTERDAY. *cough first time since before 4.0 cough* Oh why are my shoulders broken...oh they're not broken, they just require level 40 now. Hrmm. Oh well! Why are my talents all messed up...gah where are my keybinds...oh screw it. xD
June 13, 2011 at 4:58 PM
Deeeear Rades,
I'll have you know that the priest tier shoulders contain the highest quality healing waters. If I found any birds bathing in them, I would have them for lunch. You'd better not tell any of the druids that my shoulders look like a birdbath, or no healing for you.
No love, Mittenz.
June 14, 2011 at 4:39 AM
I love this, it must be an error, where the item was not supposed to be wearable outside of the zone.
Amazing, thanks for the share!
June 15, 2011 at 9:52 AM
Rades, you do realize that Balthan passed you up, right? At this rate he'll be at L85 by, oh, October/November.
June 15, 2011 at 1:22 PM